Category List Page

Let’s say you’ve created variant groups for a particular T-Shirt style. The garment is available in Black, White and Green and sizes S,M and L for each colour. You chose not to include colour as a variant attribute, so you created 3 variant groups:

  • Snazzy T-Shirt, Green

  • Snazzy T-Shirt, Black

  • Snazzy T-Shirt, White

Again, colour could have been a variant attribute, but in this case, you chose to present colours separately. Later, you’ll set up ‘Related Groups’ to cross-sell colours!

Each of these variant groups will look like a single product in category list displays, so you create a parent category called ‘Snazzy T-Shirts’ and assign this as the parent category on each of the above variant groups. The result is that when a customer views the ‘Snazzy T-Shirts’ category, they will see 3 “products” (which we know are actually variant groups, not individual products). Seeing as we want the customer to see which sizes are available for each colour, we also choose check the ‘Show Variants’ option on each of the variant groups.

Obviously customers can’t purchase variant groups - they need to actually decide which concrete product to add to their cart. Therefore, instead of an ‘Add To Cart’ button on the category page, they will see a ‘Select Variant’ button (you can customise this text).

If there are pricing differences amongst members of the variant group, they will also see a price range instead of a specific price.

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