Before you can authenticate to the API, you'll need to create an Integration in your Pakk account.
Go to
Account Settings > Integrations
and add a new Integration to the Integeration RegistryIntegrations are meant to be wrappers for API projects, so name each integration appropriately, e.g., "orders-to-warehouse" or "price-updater"
Once you have an integration set up, you can generate one or more API Keys for that integration
Deleting an integration will delete the integration, all its API keys (see below) and all of the Key-Value data it may have written to the database (see below)
If you need to temporarily disable an integration (rather than permanently deleting it), uncheck
next to the integration you wish to disableIf you need to stop an integration writing to the 'key-value store', you can uncheck
Allow Write Data
Last updated