GDPR, Privacy and Cookies

There are quite a few criteria your business needs to fulfil in order to be able to claim that you are GDPR compliant.

A great place to start is the checklist provided by For most small and medium e-commerce businesses, the Privacy Policy is going to be the key GDPR-related document that needs to be created.


This ties in with our platform-level solution to the "Cookie Law" requirements (see 'Cookies'). Again, since Pakk knows how your site is configured, it knows which cookies are required so can generate the cookie message, cookie preferences panel and cookie page, all without any intervention from you. As well as the "Cookie Law", this is also an important component of GDPR compliance. In fact, the Privacy Policy links directly to the Cookie page!

Platform-level solutions to platform-level problems

This is another example of the Pakk philosophy of platform-level solutions to platform-level problems. While creating a Privacy Policy might seem like a highly unique endeavour for each business, when you actually look at the process, it would be 90% the same work for each Pakk user. That's why we centralise the solution to the problem. It also means that the burden of keeping the Privacy Policy up-to-date, relevant, correct, well written shifts mostly to us and that when we make improvements, every Pakk users gets them straight away.

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