Entering and Processing Sales
Some notes and guidance on using Sales on a day-to-day basis
Anonymous Sales
Unlike Orders, Sales can be made anonymously (i.e., the customer
field is optional). Because Sales never have an impact on customer credit balances (because they are always paid), selecting a customer
is more for administration/reference.
We strongly recommend you select the customer if you can. This will link the Sale to the customer record allowing cross-referencing in the admin panel, better reporting and for the customer to see their Sales in their account center when logged into your website.
Payment Method
You must choose a payment method for the Sale. This is so the system knows which internal account to route the collected payment to. You can set up specific in-person payment methods for sales if necessary.
You can set up a default payment method for Sales in your account settings.
If you use locations, you can choose which location this Sale is being made at. If you don't choose a location, then stock from all locations will be available for Sale and you can select lines with batches at multiple different locations.
If you do select a location then the system will only show batches with stock available at the chosen location.
Note that you MUST select a batch on each line on a Sale. This differs from the behaviour on Orders where the batch field can be left unselected to signify uncommitted stock. Since Sales don't support uncommitted stock, batches must be chosen.
For composites, where transformation of the composite occurs after saving the Sale, you need to edit the Sale and select batches on each line. If you do not, the stock of those items will not be impacted correctly and it will be as though you did not complete sale of those items. Note that an error message will show if this is the case.
You can set up a default location for Sales in your account settings.
Source Website
Sales, like Orders, can be 'linked' to one of your websites. There are a few reasons for this:
so the system knows which branding to apply to emails and PDFs
so any web discounts can also be applied to the Sale
so loyalty points can be accumulated/spent
so the system knows to show this Sale on the customer's logged-in account center on the website
You can set up a default website for Sales in your account settings. If you do not 'link' a Sale to a website then a lot of the above will not apply: i.e., web discounts won't be applied, loyalty points will not accumulate, only account or brand-level branding will be applied to PDFs and emails, and the customer will not be able to view the Sale in their account centre.
PDFs and Emails
Sales share templates with Orders. These templates are configured and customised as part of the Website setup. There are only two available templates for Sales and both apply to PDFs and emails:
Receipt: always available
Paid Invoice: only available where a Sale has been invoiced
You can find the customizable templates under `Setup > Websites > {Website Name} > Transactional Emails' and `Setup > Websites > {Website Name} > PDFs'
Last updated