Create a Reconciliation

Reconciliations are entities in Pakk, so you have the usual facilities of creating a new one, viewing a list of existing ones and editing currently open ones.

When you create a new Reconciliation, you'll need to provide the following details to set it up:

  • Account: the Account you want to reconcile.

  • Currency: Accounts in Pakk are multi-currency, but you can only reconcile one currency at a time.

  • Statement start date: the date from which to start this reconciliation (only transactions after this date will be shown). If you're reconciling with a paper statement, this will probably be shown on the statement.

  • Statement end date: the date at which to end this reconciliation (only transactions before this date will be shown). If you're reconciling with a paper statement, this will probably be shown on the statement.

  • Starting balance: the actual balance of this account at the start date. This should correspond to the last reconciled balance for this account.

  • Ending balance: the actual balance of this account at the statement end date.

Once you've provided the above information, hit 'Save' and the reconciliation will be created.

You'll immediately notice that the system then shows available transactions for reconciliation.

Note: You can't change the Account or Currency on a Reconciliation once it has been created.

Last updated