PDFs and Printing

Creating documents with Pakk

What options are there for creating documents in Pakk?

Each entity (e.g. sales order, purchase order, product) comes with a set of templates that can be used to output a PDF. Each template is intended for a specific purpose (e.g. invoice, picking sheet) and lays the data out in a way fit for that purpose. Templates are, of course, branded with the correct logo and business information, depending on a number of factors, like which of your sites an order came from.

Documents can be instantly created, downloaded, saved, printed or manually sent to anyone via email or any other mechanism, or you can send them directly from inside Pakk by attaching them to emails.

Can I customise PDF templates?

Yes and No, PDFs are customised with your branding and details. There is room for further light customisation by editing the PDF template footers, where you can add relevant details.

However, Pakk doesn't offer that type of deep customisation functionality. In general, if you need a layout that is very different from the templates on offer, you should consider requesting that we create an entirely new template which everyone will be able to enjoy!

What branding will show on my documents?

Mostly it will be determined by the logo and business details you set at an account level. Orders work a little differently though. Since orders can flow from different sites you might have, they will inherit the branding set at site level. For that to work, orders are marked as being sourced from a particular site. For orders placed through websites, this marking happens automatically. If you place an order manually, remember to mark the source website if relevant.

Last updated