Configuring your Help Desk

There are a number of configurations that can be set up at the Account level, and optionally overridden for Brands and/or Websites.

  • Ticket Stages: specify custom stages that tickets can move through as they are dealt with

  • Assign New Tickets To: optionally assign a member of staff to incoming tickets as soon as they are created

  • Notify Assignee: if a member of staff is assigned to a ticket when it is created, you can choose to have them be sent a notification email

  • Tickets Sent From: a name and email address combination that will appear as the sender on emails sent out by your help desk. You must set this to the forwarding email address you have set up to route emails to your help desk.

Email Setup

You need to set up your customer service email address (or addresses) to forward to dedicated 'inbound' email addresses which you obtain from your custom Postmark sub-account. Setting up email forwarding allows for the following functionality:

  • All emails sent to your customer service address will result in Tickets being created on the system.

  • Replies to conversations by admin users made from within Pakk will be emailed out to customers.

  • Replies by customers sent by email will be ‘attached’ to the Ticket.

  • As well as viewing outgoing and incoming email in your Pakk admin panel, you can get deeper insights into email issues from your Postmark sub-account

Taken together, this feature set allows you to manage all customer service conversations from within your Pakk account.

Inbound Email Setup

  • Log into your custom Postmark sub-account

  • Select your 'inbound stream'

  • Copy the server's 'inbound email address'

  • You will need to set up a forward from your customer service email to this address. This is done with your email provider, so the procedure depends on who you use for your email hosting. Reach out to us if you have any issues.

Webhook Setup

  • Whilst in your 'inbound' stream in your custom Postmark-sub account, you'll need to set up the server's inbound webhook URL

  • The format of the webhook is: https://{{}}/webhooks/inboundemail/v2 Replace {{}} with the URL of any of your Pakk sites.

Last updated