Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders, the orders you place with your suppliers in order to replenish stock, are the reverse side of the coin to Sales Orders.

The workflows for Purchase Orders are quite similar to those for Sales Orders as many of the concepts are shared, so be sure to study the "Sales Order Workflow Mega Tutorial" beforereading this one - in particular, you should understand Item Types well. Since a lot of shared ground is covered in that tutorial, this one is a little less "mega", so you should breeze through it!

Receipts, Invoicing and Payments: All Together

Just as is the case for Sales Orders, the receipts, invoice and payments are all created and live inside the main Purchase Order record rather than being separate entities unto themselves.

Order Status

Purchase Orders have their own status axes:

  • received

  • invoiced

  • paid

Just like Sales Orders, these axes can vary independently and can be in one of three states: not at all, partially (except in the case of 'invoiced') or fully.

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