Email Sending
Pakk can send emails at many different touchpoints in the customer journey. This document explains how to configure and customise these emails.
Outgoing Email Touchpoints
Under Setup > Website > Transactional Emails
you'll find the following emails to configure:
Order Confirmation Email
Order Dispatched Email
Order Cancellation Email
Order Invoice Email
Order Receipt Email
Order Paid Invoice Email
Order Copy Email
Order Updated Email
Returns Email
Other places where you'll find customisable emails:
Form Confirmation (to customer)
Customising Emails
Disable Sending
Check this option if you do not want emails of this type to be sent out automatically. This might be useful if you have connected your Pakk account via webhooks to an external email marketing platform which will deal with outgoing emails.
Note that even if this option is selected, you can still send emails of this type manually through the 'Send Email' dialogue which is available on most records.
From Contact
This is the name and the email address from which the email will go out. Bear in mind that you can leave this field empty and it will default to a setting higher up the chain (e.g. at Website or Account level). Also note that you must use an email address that belongs to one of your Postmark verified domains.
This will appear in larger, bolder lettering at the top of the email. Note that this is NOT the subject of the email (which is not customiseable).
Top Matter
A paragraph of text that appears below the title but above the main content of the email. Note that when we refer to 'main content' we are referring to the autogenerated contents of the email that depends on what type of email it is. For example, in the case of Order Confirmation emails, the contents of the order will appear under the top matter.
Link any of your FAQ pages to this email. The FAQ will be fully embedded in the email.
Feature Blocks
Embed feature blocks into the email.
Last updated