Custom Product Attributes
Pakk has lots of built-in fields to describe product attributes, for example:
Shipping weight
These attributes are generic, in that they should be applicable to most, if not all, customers and products.
But clearly we can't include every possible attribute for every possible product type as a built-in field - the product drilldown screen would quickly become unmanageable and your account would drown in fields that aren't important to your products or business.
Pakk solves this problem with custom product attributes. You've probably come across 'custom fields' in other e-commerce/ERP systems. The Pakk custom product attributes system is similar in a lot of ways, but packs in even more power.
Set up your custom attributes at account level
The first thing you need to understand is that you don't set up custom attributes on the fly, as you are editing products - they need to exist before you can apply them to a product. So, custom attributes are an entity just like any other entity within Pakk - you access the list of custom attributes from the Setup menu. There you can list, view details, edit and inactivate - just as you can can any other record type.
So, if you've never set up any custom attributes in your account, head over to Setup > Custom Attributes now and have a play around. Nothing will happen until you actually start applying these to products, but we'll come onto that later.
Last updated