Pakk tries to encourage structured data wherever possible, and for that reason we decided to offer FAQs.
FAQs are specifically for short, question/answer format chunks of text that can be grouped thematically.
Create pages structured as a list of questions and answers
Write Markdown in answers to provide rich formatting
Embed videos in answers
Automatically generated FAQ homepage
Instant-response FAQ search and links to each FAQ page
Many platforms offer only posts and pages, and that works fine, but Pakk tries to encourage structured data wherever possible, and for that reason we decided to offer a third content type: FAQs. FAQs are specifically for short, question/answer format chunks of text that can be grouped thematically.
It turns out that quite a lot of information that an e-commerce store would want to provide fits neatly into this category, so creating a specific FAQ content type means we can do some cool tricks with the data - because it's structured, more on that later. Here are some examples of what you might use FAQs for:
Delivery information
Customer service information
Returns and refunds policy
Product buying guides
One way to think of your FAQs is that together they form a self-service help centre. As a store owner, you should aim to reduce customer service enquiries as much as possible by providing extremely discoverable, targeted information for your customers. This type of information is best placed in FAQs because burying it in a page or post means that it's probably too much work for a customer to find. FAQs make answers immediately available to customers, as we'll see, so if you feel that a piece of content should form part of a knowledgebase then it's probably a good fit for FAQs.
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