Incoming Stock

There are two essential ways stock gets onto Pakk. Most of the time it is through Purchase Orders being received. Occasionally you need to do a manual Stock Adjustment.

Stock Adjustments affects Location stock via the Batch system, as you would expect. If you positively adjust the quantity of a Batch that is located at Warehouse A by 2, then the stock of the item at Warehouse A will increase by 2.

Purchase Orders and how they interact with Locations is a little bit more involved.

  • When creating a Purchase Order, you normally select a ‘deliver to location’ from amongst your Locations (on the Logistics tab).

  • When receiving a Purchase Order with the ‘Receive’ action, the ‘receive to location’ field will pre-fill with the Location you have chosen as the ‘deliver to location’ on the PO, but if you decide to receive the stock to a different Location at the last minute, you can change it here.

  • After you click ‘Confirm’ to continue with the receipt, the incoming stock will be received to the Location you specified. The auto-receiver will respect your ‘re-use batches’ setting - so if you have instructed it to try to reuse existing Batches, it will of course only reuse Batches at that Location (creating new Batches if none are available at that Location).

  • On the ‘Receipts’ tab you’ll now see that a new ‘Receipt’ has been created and has been marked as having happened at the Location you specified.

  • By default, the auto-receiver receives ALL unreceived stock on the Purchase Order.

  • The best way to receive a Purchase Order to multiple Locations is to run the receiver, delete any lines from the receipt that you didn’t want to receive at that Location, then run the receiver again, but specifying a different Location.

Last updated