Using FAQs Around Your Site

There are multiple places where FAQs are or can be used on a Pakk site

The FAQ homepage

This is the main entry point to your FAQs and lives at /faqs (or translated equivalent). You can think of this as your site's "knowledgebase" or "help centre". The FAQ homepage shows a list of FAQ pages, each with their title, subtitle and the top few questions. Users can click through to each FAQ to see the full list of questions on that page.

Above the list of FAQs is a universal FAQ search. This extremely useful tool is your customers' main entry point into your knowledgebase. Typing in this box performs a search across all questions, from all FAQ pages. Resulting matching questions are displayed in real time and link to their respective FAQ page.

The universal FAQ search is really your secret weapon in reducing your customer service load and is where the power of structuring content as questiosn, answers and FAQs pages really shines.

Delivery-page FAQs

In your website setup you can designate one of your FAQ pages to be embedded in the autogenerated /delivery page. In most e-commerce business, a typical list of questions and answers related to order delivery builds up over time, and it's useful to maintain this information in a single place. By creating an FAQ with this information, you make it discoverable via the FAQ search, and by linking it to your delivery page, customers will always see an up-to-date FAQ when viewing the delivery page. Another great example of how maintaining data in a more structured way helps in the day-to-day running of your site and business.

Product-page FAQs

Another use case for FAQs is buying guides or specific product help guides or documentation. This is where a set of questions and answers relate specifically to one or more products.

FAQ pages can be related to products via content tags. These are the exact same tags you use to related products to your posts. To relate a product and an FAQ, just add the same content tag to both.

The result of relating product and FAQ is that the FAQ is seemlessly placed into the product detail page on the site. For each FAQ related to the product, a new dropdown section is added to the product page with the title of that FAQ.

Again, this is a fantastic way of centralising help that you want to provide customers so that it is accessible everywhere your customers might look for it.

FAQ pages function just like any other page in Pakk in that you can link to them from anywhere around your site, e.g. from

  • the aux bar menu

  • the footer menu

  • other content, using a "markdown" link

  • feature block CTA buttons

  • page CTA buttons

The link structure for an FAQ page is similar to other pages: /faqs/delivery-information , for example (or the translated equivalent for other languages). Just grab the link from the detail page in the admin panel and copy it wherever you need to use it.

Last updated