Initially, the Product tab has a "Send to FBP" button for any product that is not yet on FBP. Once a product is on FBP, that button becomes an "Update on FBP" button that can be used when there have been relevant changes to the Pakk product information (for example, the supplier has changed a product's packaging and you need to upload new images).
The "Sync from FBP" button synchronizes the product's information and populates two fields:
"FBP Stock Level": The stock level reported by FBP, representing the total stock across all FBP warehouses.
"FBP Stock Mismatch": Compares the total stock reported by the FBP system to the equivalent total (i.e., the sum of all on-hand stock at all FBP locations) in Pakk and signals if there is a discrepancy.
Product Types Only stockable products are sent to FBP. Non-stockable product types cannot be sent to FBP. While Pakk Composite Product Information cannot be uploaded to FBP directly, they are still seamlessly processed by FBP, as we'll see in the Sales Orders section.
Last updated