Bulk Pricing

Setting up bulk (quantity) pricing allows you to offer cheaper prices for larger quantities purchased.

Bulk pricing is assigned on a product-by-product basis - to enable it on any particular product, check Sales > Enable Bulk Pricing.

Once you've enabled bulk pricing on a product, you need to set up one or more pricing bands. Pricing bands are made up of:

  • Breakpoint: the quantity threshold for this band to be met. The threshold is specified inclusive, so if you set, for example, a breakpoint of 50, the customer will get the pricing for that band when 50 of the item are in their cart, not 51.

  • Is Percentage / Percentage Discount / Discounted Price: You can set up the bulk pricing for the bracket in 2 ways: 1) specify a percentage discount over base price; 2) specify the actual price. The advantage of setting up the band as a percentage discount over base price is that the bands will respond to any changes you might make to base price without you having to manually reset the price on each band.

  • Must be multiple of: If you require customers to purchase in certain multiples, rather than in singles, to be eligible for this pricing band, enter the multiple here. How you set this multiple will also determine how the 'increase' and 'decrease' buttons on the cart controls work. For example, if you specify a multiple of 50, the 'increase' and 'decrease' buttons will increment/decrement 50 at a time. You should understand that this will limit the customer's ability to get an exact quantity into the cart that doesn't fit the multiple. If you don't need to force the customer to buy in certain multiples, just set 1. Also note that you should make sure your 'must be multiple of' setting is compatible with the breakpoint you've set. For example, if you set a breakpoint of 95 and a multiple of 50, customers will not qualify for the discounted price when adding 95 to cart because 95 doesn't obey the multiples requirement. In this case, the price shown will default to the item's standard sell price.

Once you've set up your breakpoints for bulk pricing you need to decide whether to disable single purchase. By default, customers will be able to purchase any quantity up to the threshold of the first breakpoint. For example, if your first breakpoint is 100 with multiples of 10, customers will be able to buy singles right from 1 unit up to 99 units. If you want to enforce purchase quantities starting at the first breakpoint (so from 100 in this example), check the box disable single purchase.

Note that bulk pricing actually changes the sales price on order lines (i.e., revenue recognised will be lower than at regular base price). This is in contrast to discount lines which are accounted for as an expense and don't decrease gross revenue.

Last updated