Raising a Credit
Full Credit from Sales Order
This is the easiest and quickest way. From an Order, just click the ‘Full Credit’ button. You’ll be asked for the date of the credit, which allocation account to use, and whether to send a confirmation email to the customer. These options will be explained a bit later.
A credit will be created to exactly mirror the Order - all the order lines will be transferred over, as well as shipping costs and web discounts etc. The total of the credit will be exactly the same as the sum of the original Order.
If you are indeed crediting the entire order (for example, for a package lost in transit), you won’t need to make any changes to the credit. If you are crediting MOST of the order, this is probably the best starting point - just delete the lines you don’t want to credit.
Note that this is THE ONLY way to credit shipping from an original Order. The other credit creation techniques won’t allow you to do that.
Also note that just creating a Credit from an Order doesn't actually APPLY it to that order (see 'Applications' below).
Manual Credit from a Sales Order
On the ‘Credits’ tab on every order you’ll find a ‘Manual Credit’ button. This is a quick way to kick off a Credit tied to a particular Order (and thus a particular customer), but without any of the order lines being transferred over. If you’re only crediting one or two lines in isolation, this is probably quicker than doing a ‘Full Credit’.
Create New Credit
You can always create a new Credit just like you can create any other record in the system. You might choose to do this if the Credit isn’t tied to any particular order. For example, a customer is claiming that a product he bought 6 months ago is faulty.
Remember to choose the correct Customer when creating Credits manually because you can't change the Customer on a Credit once it has been created.
Last updated