Stock Adjustments
A complete guide to how Stock Adjustments work in Pakk
Most of the time, you’ll be getting stock into your Pakk account through placing and receiving Purchase Orders. Likewise, outgoing stock will mostly be via dispatching Sales Orders. There are times, though, when you’ll need to make manual adjustments to stock levels, like in the following circumstances:
Getting your starting stock onto the system when first setting up Pakk (opening adjustment)
Disposing of damaged stock
Disposing of expired stock
Moving stock from one batch to another, for example between locations
Adjusting for picking errors
Readjusting stock after a stocktake
Accounting for stock given away as samples
Creating stock out of a combination of other stockable items (assembly builds)
Adjust Lots, Not Products
Remember that all stock in Pakk is tracked via Lots. Lots represent a way to control stock at a more granular level than the Product level. Lots allow you to achieve results like:
Tracking expiry dates for different Lots
Tracking location of different Lots of the same Product
Tracking different financial valuations for Lots
Serial numbers or similar single-item tracking
If you don’t need any of that functionality, you can just create a single ‘ALL’ Lot for a Product and use it for all your stock of that SKU.
Stock Adjustments always adjust Lot stock, not Product stock - therefore all Stock Adjustment lines need a Lot assigned. If you are adjusting existing stock, this won’t be a problem because it will already ‘live’ inside a Lot, so you’ll just select that Lot. However, if you are creating new stock and don’t want to assign it to an existing Lot, or if there isn’t an existing Lot, you’ll have to create a new Lot first.
Stock Adjustment lines can either be positive (stock increases) or negative (stock decreases).
Last updated