Ticket Management

Managing your tickets is fairly self-explanatory, but here are some pointers.

  • Tickets can have one of three statuses: Pending Action, Awaiting Reply or Closed.

  • Use these statuses for top-level organisation of Tickets.

  • New tickets will always start ‘Pending Action’

  • When working on Tickets, admin users need to manually mark when a Ticket is ‘Awaiting Reply’ (from the customer). This is a single-click operation from the Ticket detail page.

  • Likewise, if an admin user wants to change a Ticket from ‘Pending Action’ to ‘Awaiting Reply’, this can be done with a single click.

  • When an admin user replies to a ticket an email WILL be sent out to the customer to notify them that the conversation has been updated.

  • When an admin user makes a note on a ticket, an email WILL NOT be sent and the customer never sees notes.

  • When a customer replies to a ticket email, the Ticket is updated and the status is automatically set to ‘Pending Action’ (even if it was previously closed)

  • If you need to organise Tickets internally along custom divisions, use either ‘Stages’ or ‘Tags’, both of which should be set up by account owners.

  • Attachments can be added to both replies and notes.

  • Attachments added to replies WILL be sent to the customer.

  • Attachments added to notes WILL NOT be sent to the customer - they are just for record keeping (for example, if the customer sends you an image by WhatsApp and you wan’t to add it into the Ticket).

  • We recommend you make use of the ‘Related To’ field to add in any customer Orders, Estimates, Credits etc that are related to the Ticket. That way you have a link to those records immediately at hand when dealing with the Ticket.

Last updated