Outgoing Stock
Pakk websites can be set up to ‘draw’ stock from one, multiple or all of your stock locations.
Use Setup > Websites > {site} > Settings > ‘draw stock from locations’ to specify which of your Locations should ‘feed’ stock to this website.
Leave this list blank to use stock from ALL your locations.
‘Unlocated’ is a valid choice in this list and allows you to feed in any stock that isn’t located at a particular Location.
The order of the list is important, it determines the priority of Locations for where stock is committed and sold once the order is placed (more on that below), as well as the order that locations are presented on the website.
If you’d like to actually show the breakdown of stock levels by location to customers, tick the ‘show stock location breakdown’ option. Bear in mind that any Locations that are not ‘web enabled’ will not show in the breakdown.
Sales Orders
Orders placed on your Pakk sites are always ‘committed’ as soon as they are placed - this is to ensure that stock is reserved for customers and not double sold.
The auto-committer algorithm is the same one that can be executed manually on an Order from the Sales Order detail page in the admin panel. The auto-committer uses the following Batch information in order to decide which stock to allocate to an order:
Expiry date
The creation date of the Batch
To summarise, the most important piece of information to the committer is Location. If the committer finds multiple batches at the same Location, it will then choose the one with the earliest expiry. If Batches have the same expiry (or no expiry date set), it will choose the oldest Batch (in terms of when the Batches were created).
The committer always takes a prioritised list of Locations in order to decide which Locations to prioritise for stock picking. By default this list is the same one you set up in the website configuration. So if your list looks like:
Main Warehouse
Overflow Warehouse
The committer will do its best to take stock from the Main Warehouse, before falling back on stock at the Overflow Warehouse and finally the Office.
When manually committing orders, you will be presented with the prioritised Locations list in the ‘Commit’ dialogue - this will default to the setting for the website to which the order is tied (the ‘source’ website) but can be manually tweaked if you’d like to prioritise stock picking from different Locations.
In order to dispatch a Sales Order, you need to provide a Location from which the dispatch will take place.
Each individual dispatch can only be from a single Location, so if an order has stock committed from several locations, that implies that several different dispatches will be necessary to fully dispatch the Order.
When running a dispatch, any undispatched non-stockable items on the order (remember, non-stockables are not tracked via Batches, so have no Location) will be included in the dispatch. If you didn’t intend from them to be dispatched in that run, just manually delete them from the dispatch and they will be automatically included in the next run.
Last updated