Set up Your Loyalty Program

To get started, you’ll need to create a Loyalty Program. You’ll find Loyalty Programs in the Setup group in the main menu. Create a new Loyalty Program with the following details.

Basic Configuration

  • Name: The public name of the loyalty scheme. This name will be visible in multiple places on the website and in emails, representing the loyalty program to customers.

  • Introduction: Custom text displayed at the top of the autogenerated loyalty program information page. This introduction sets the tone and provides essential information about the loyalty program.

Earning Points

  • Points Per Unit of Currency: Defines how many points customers earn per unit of currency spent. Fractions of points are not awarded, with any spending not reaching a full point rounded down. For example, if you set this value to 1, the customer will be rewarded with 1 point per £/$/€ spent.

  • Disable Accumulation: Allows halting the accrual of loyalty points while still permitting point redemption. This option is useful for suspending or ending a loyalty program but allowing a grace period for redemption.

  • Points Expiry Days: Sets the lifespan of loyalty points from the award date, we recommend a 1-year expiry.

Redeeming Points

  • Point Value: Establishes the monetary value of a single loyalty point for redemption purposes, guiding how points convert to monetary discounts when orders are placed. For example, if you set this value to 0.01, the customer will get a 1 cent/penny discount for every point redeemed.

  • Categories and Products Blacklist: Specifies whether listed categories or products are excluded from redeeming points, with the rest being included, or vice versa (works identically to restrictions on Discounts, please see documentation for that feature for full details).

  • Products and Categories: Defines specific products and categories to include or exclude from point redemption, affecting eligibility based on the blacklist or whitelist approach (works identically to restrictions on Discounts, please see documentation for that feature for full details).

  • Require All Products: Conditions point redemption on the presence of all specified products in the shopping cart, adding an all-or-nothing requirement for eligibility.

  • Minimum Order Value: Determines the lowest order value eligible for point redemption, with options to consider VAT inclusive or exclusive subtotals.


  • Currency Symbol: To track loyalty points as a unique “currency” or in the Journal system. Points are recorded in their original denomination and are not converted to monetary values. Assign a 4-letter symbol to represent points in Journal Entries. This symbol acts as a currency for points and must be unique to avoid confusion with real currencies. Multiple loyalty schemes can run simultaneously, each potentially having a different point value. For technical reasons, you cannot change the Currency Symbol once the Loyalty Program has been saved for the first time.

  • Account for Loyalty Discounts Given (Expense): Tracks discounts customers receive upon redeeming loyalty points. This account is essential for monitoring the expense incurred through loyalty point redemption.

  • Account for Loyalty Points Distributed (Expense): Functions as a counterpart to the "Loyalty Points Outstanding" account. Points distributed are logged as an expense to balance the liability recorded. When points are redeemed, this expense transfers to the "Loyalty Discounts Given" account in real currency, reducing the liability account correspondingly.

  • Account for Loyalty Points Outstanding (Liability): Keeps track of loyalty points awarded to customers that remain unspent. This account is crucial for managing the liability of issued but unredeemed points.

Last updated