New Customers
How to register new customers
You have four options as to whether new customers are created as ‘individual’ or ‘business’:
Default to ‘individual’
Force ‘individual’
Default ‘business’
Force ‘business’
The ‘individual/business’ selector is shown in the first, ‘Contact Details’ section of the checkout, but only for new customers registering for the first time. Once the value has been set it will never be shown to that customer in the checkout again. They can, however, switch account type from their ‘My Account’ preferences page.
If you choose one of the ‘default to’ options here, the selector will be shown but will default to either ‘individual’ or ‘business’ as you choose. Obviously, you should choose the option that matches the majority of customer-type on your site.
If you choose one of the ‘force’ options, then the selector will not be shown at all and all new customers will be created as either ‘individual’ or ‘business’ as you configure. This is the recommended configuration if you split up your trade and retail sites with a dedicated site for each. If, however, you serve both trade and retail through one site, you should probably not use a ‘force’ option.
Last updated