Order Status

Orders have a status that moves along five independent axes.

  • committed

  • cash saled

  • invoiced

  • dispatched

  • paid

Aside from some specific, rare corner cases, these status "axes" are independent - an order could be paid but not committed, for example. This allows ultimate workflow flexibility - you are not forced to observe a linear path where orders can only progress step-by-step in one direction - but it does of course introduce increased complexity.

Again, aside from some corner cases, each of the above axes can be completed to a different degree: not at all, partially or fully. Again, this allows you to reflect the often messy reality you might be faced with in your day-to-day management where orders are in various complex states of being stock-committed, dispatch, invoiced and paid.

Terminology Tip: Statuses are displayed prominently on order drilldown pages, but with a few caveats. If an order is "not dispatched", for example, you won't see "not dispatched", we prefer to just leave out "not" statuses for clarity. If an order is "fully paid" for example, we just write "paid", for clarity.

Last updated