In-Person Sales

How to Process an Over-the-Counter Cash Sale in Pakk

To process an over-the-counter cash sale in Pakk, begin by creating a new Sales Order. You can choose an existing customer, create a new one, or use a generic profile like "Over-the-Counter." The generic option is convenient as it bypasses the need for entering shipping and billing information, though it won't allow you to send invoices or receipts.

Add the items and adjust quantities as needed. Review the order details to ensure everything is correct and Dispatch it. Accept payment from the customer in cash or via a card machine and record it as Paid in Pakk. Ensure you have appropriate payment methods set up under Payment Methods: create methods like "Cash" and "Card Machine" and assign them to Invoice workflows and to relevant accounts (e.g. *Cash Asset Account" and "Card Machine Undeposited Asset Account"). You can email or print a receipt if needed.

Last updated